Our purpose is to bring the truth and reality that our earth is hollow and that that there are civilizations living within the earth's crust and hollow interior. The beings in the inner and hollow earth live in total peace and harmony. They are highly evolved sentient beings.
Through the teachings and messages from Zorra of Hollow Earth and his child, Zaraya or better known on earth as (Retired Col. Billie Faye Woodard) we learn that we are healers and in reality we are gods and goddesses.
Emphasis on meditation and raising vibration and consciousness levels are necessary practices to spiritual evolution.
Zorra is here to enlighten our world of the upcoming historic world and cosmic events of Disclosure, Ascension and the Gathering that are in our future. Presently, Disclosure is imminent.
What a wondrous, glorious and loving day it is!
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals of monthly expenses for our website, newsletters and Zorra calls.
May harmony, peace, joy, love and laughter be with you always.
Copyright © 2021 Zorra of Hollow Earth - All Rights Reserved.